Whether you’re considering a cosmetic procedure because you want to get rid of a recent injury-caused deformity or finally get the body you’ve always dreamt about, looking deep into the surgery process is imperative. From knowing what you’ll be going through during the procedure to getting to know the doctor and getting ready for recovery, consider all the factors before you go under the knife. Here are six things we believe are worth considering before you have a cosmetic procedure.
Know the difference between expectations and reality
The picture you have painted in your mind about how you’ll look after the procedure is one thing. It’s an entirely different thing to know the reality of the outcome and get ready for what is more likely to go on. So, while you will always expect the best outcome, depending on the type of procedure, you may not get what you’ve wanted from a single visit. Let’s say you want to contour your face. Your surgeon may estimate that it’s not safe to reshape your nose and chin, all during one procedure. Be ready to accept the suggestions from the experts because they will know best.

Ask about the potential risks
Having any cosmetic procedure comes with a risk. That’s why you’ll want to talk to your doctor about anything that you should be worried about. Do you have high blood pressure? Any family history of blood clots? How about heart conditions? The doctor will ask you all about potential health problems and your lifestyle. You must answer honestly so that the doctor can estimate whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure.
Cosmetic surgeon’s qualifications and experience
Once you decide it’s time to undergo a cosmetic procedure, you’ll need to look for the right team of experts. Australia has some of the finest surgeons in the field of cosmetic surgery, so you will be in safe hands if you schedule your appointment with a renowned cosmetic surgeon in Melbourne. Check for qualifications, experience, and online reviews before you make the final decision. If they offer free consultations, use the chance to talk to them and see if the clinic looks clean and safe enough for you to trust them. When did the doctor graduate from medical school? Where did they do their residency? How long have they been practicing cosmetic surgery? Those are just some of the questions to ask before you find your number one cosmetic surgeon in Melbourne.
Look into the costs
While your health should always come first, you cannot neglect the money factor. Yes, you want the procedure, and you might desperately need it, but can you afford it? If you’re considering some facial plastic surgeries, you need to know that they all come with a certain cost. Does your insurance cover it? If not, can you afford to not work for a while after undergoing the surgery and not get paid during that time? Not only will you need to pay for the procedure but for the aftercare too if the procedure requires professional medical care during recovery.

Think about the downtime
The downtime will vary from one procedure to the other. On top of that, it will differ from patient to patient, as we are all individuals with unique needs. Therefore, you need to plan accordingly for the downtime that your body may need. You can expect several days to several weeks of downtime, depending on the cosmetic procedures. Facelifts take up to two weeks, while tummy tuck downtime can take from three to four weeks.
Other people’s experiences
Do you know someone who’s undergone cosmetic surgery of some kind? Hearing about other people’s experiences first-hand is always the best as it will allow you to get a detailed insight into the entire process. Starting from scheduling the appointment to going under the knife, and finally undergoing the recovery and facing the final results. Were they completely satisfied? Were they afraid to do it at first? Would they have done it again? Think of any question that concerns you to get all the information you need to make the right decision.
Final thoughts
Having a cosmetic procedure is one of the ways many people try to boost their self-esteem. Physical appearances have become so essential that rarely a day goes by that people don’t judge themselves and others based on their looks. While cosmetic surgery can help you feel better in your own skin, it can potentially cost a lot more than just money. So, before you decide to have a facelift, tummy tuck or any other cosmetic procedure, do your research and see whether it’s all worth the trouble. Sometimes the risk is too high, and you may not be an ideal candidate. Know all the facts and prevent a potentially negative outcome.