Are you going bald? You’re not alone. 85% of men have thinning hair by age 50 (and some start losing hair much younger).

Going bald might feel scary and embarrassing, but there are so many things that you can do to mitigate the damage, change up your look, or even embrace your new bald lifestyle.
Keep reading to learn all about our top tips for men with thinning hair.
1. Wear Fake Hair
It might sound depressing to wear fake hair, like wigs and toupeés, but now is a better time than ever to try it out. Wigs are in fashion and more high-quality than they were in the past. Many of them look identical to real hair.
Wigs are shorter-term while toupeés last for long periods of time. You can get creative with your hairstyle and color when you choose this option.
2. Quick Fix: Use Sprays
If you’re in a hurry, consider using colored “hair” sprays on your scalp.
This won’t work if you have significant bald patches. That said, it’s great for covering up thinning areas if you use a spray that matches your hair color.
Make sure that you’re not going to be sweating or getting wet. These sprays aren’t always waterproof.
3. Choose the Right Hairstyle
Sometimes one of the best ways to camouflage thinning hair is to find a new hairstyle that complements the hair that you have left.
Too many people make the mistake of trying to grow longer hair to offset the receding hairline or combing hair over the balding spots. While you might think that this is helping you, it’s actually making the thin hair more obvious.
Go to a professional barber that specializes in men’s hair and talk to them about potential options of good haircuts that can minimize the appearance of your thinning hair.
4. Consider Shaving
Speaking of hairstyles, sometimes the best choice is embracing your thinning hair and going completely bald.
It’s hard to let go of your hair, but until we’re at a point where hair replacement is reliable and long-lasting, you will have to make this decision eventually.
Shaving your head is a great way to take control of your hair situation. You’ll find new ways to style the rest of yourself to make the baldness look intentional.
When your hair is thinning to the point that covering it is no longer an option, remember that bald is beautiful.
5. Try a Hair Tattoo
If you’re looking for something with quick and long-lasting results, you can’t get much better than a hair tattoo.
Hair tattoos (or scalp micropigmentation) are a type of cosmetic tattoo. Instead of using fun designs and images (though you could do this as well), the artist tattoos a realistic hair pattern to make it look as though you have more hair than you do.
If you only have thinning patches, you can use micropigmentation to fill them in. If you’re rocking the bald look, the tattoo can give a realistic appearance of hair that’s freshly shaven.
Going Bald? No Problem
Losing your hair can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but there are plenty of ways to camouflage it. When in doubt, shave the remaining hair and embrace your new look.
Going bald doesn’t have to be scary. It can be the new and handsome you!