It is an anti-microbial protein known as LL-37. Multiple Gram-positive and Gram-negative human pathogens may be effectively inhibited. Potential alternative to antibiotics: anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) Bacteria are harmed by Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) (the bugs). By regulating the entry of bacteria and viruses, AMPs may prevent infection. According to rumors, AMPs may stimulate the innate mucosal immune reaction in order to fight against infections. Mucosal means to have an immune reaction on the surfaces that are in touches with the external environment, such as the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary tract, and the respiratory system.

The cathelicidin class of AMPs includes LL-37. In neutrophils (a kind of white blood cell), the peptide is secreted as a mature peptide. In addition to circulation neutrophils, bone cells, epithelial cells of the epidermis, cells in the gastrointestinal tract, and the epididymis, LL-37 is found in the lungs and epididymis.
Vitamin D, produced by sunshine via the skin, is essential for producing LL-37 in macrophages. LL-37, which is found in inflammatory sites and wounds, is important in preventing infection and systemic penetration of microorganisms. It is very resilient to proteolysis, which makes it both poisonous to bacterial cells and resistant to destruction by normal cells.
LL-37 and tissue healing
Another thing LL-37 does is regulate the ratio of pro-and anti-inflammatory chemicals. It is difficult to find the proper balance between inflammation and tissue repair. Without inflammation, the body will not be able to fight against invading infections. If inflammation does not remain under control, healing may be impeded, as can the development of scar tissue, and, worse, autoimmune disorders may arise. LL-37 seems to affect macrophages, which regulate inflammation in a way that promotes healing.
Immune cells called macrophages cause inflammation when they identify invading invaders. Once the pathogens are detected, the remainder of the body receives an alarm indicating a defense is required. Once the inflammation has been brought under control, macrophages secrete new signals that quiet the inflammatory response and prepare the body for the next step of recovery. This peptide, LL-37, reverses macrophage activation. In the presence of LL-37, the immune cells called macrophages change from an anti-inflammatory to a pro-inflammatory kind.
A further potential advantage of LL-37 is its ability to reduce biofilm formation by S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. Biofilm strength is neutralized by the anti-biofilm characteristics. The peptide is also known to aid in wound closure by interacting with keratinocytes and fibroblasts.
The medical benefits of LL-37
- Anti-microbial action against a wide range of pathogens such as bacteria, enveloped viruses, and fungus
- Increases the healing of wounds
- Helps control infection.
- Prevents biofilm development
LL37 serves a multitude of roles in the host defensive mechanisms. This active chemical has antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as immune-stimulating activities that operate in many cells directly or through the regulation of responses in cells to microbial substances and various immune mediators. Broad-spectrum anti-microbial peptides damage the membranes of bacteria, rendering them nonviable. If you have a license, then you can buy LL-37 peptide online and conduct your own research on the matter since the information available online is still pretty sparse.