Being environmentally conscious is living in a manner that does not affect the environment. This way of life is becoming increasingly meaningful, as we need to protect our planet from man-made damage. There are a variety of methods that an individual might make long-term changes to reduce the negative impact that our daily lives often have.

It is possible to be eco-friendly in different areas of our lives. Each one of us can start with small, easy changes and move on to more complex ones as we get used to developing sustainable habits.
The following are some suggestions for living an eco-friendly lifestyle:
Reduce garbage
If you want to reduce garbage, it’s necessary to reduce consumption. At home, this means buying less food and products packaged in non-recyclable materials or non-biodegradable containers. When out shopping, aim for things you need instead of being seduced by bright and shiny packaging or sale signs. Reusable shopping bags are also a great idea if you’re planning to do your grocery shopping more than once a week.
Using energy-efficient appliances
Appliances that save energy and reduce electricity costs are the most obvious way to start experiencing an eco-friendly lifestyle. Appliances like washers, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers and light bulbs all use typical amounts of electricity. They also have settings that will help you use less than before.
The blue bin is a frequent sight in neighbourhoods across North America, and for good reason – it’s a crucial part of recycling. At home, try to recycle as much as possible – newspapers and magazines, aluminium cans, glass bottles and jars, paperboard packaging like cereal boxes, and plastic bottles and containers. In addition to collecting these items out of landfills, recycling them helps divert valuable resources away from the production of new products. It also helps create jobs by providing opportunities for manufacturing industries to process the materials collected during curbside recycling programs.
Ecological heating
Switching your heating source from oil or gas to a renewable method like biomass, wood chip, or wood pellet boilers can reduce any carbon footprint you may have. Another option is to use heat pumps, which can also be used for home heating. Heat pumps are not only more environmentally beneficial since they use less energy, but they also eliminate the need for gas pipes and oil tanks. Another approach to make your home more environmentally friendly is to use a renewable heating source. Boilers are an example of a heating source that can be more eco-friendly. Because boilers can run on one of four different fuels, homeowners can choose which is ideal for their home. Gas boilers, oil boilers, electric boilers, and biomass boilers are all options.
We are not living in a sustainable manner. Our lifestyle relies too much on using materials that can’t be reused easily, or if recycled, it isn’t done properly. The problem is that even if we are recycling, many other things end up in the garbage.
Automated garden maintenance systems
Growing plants and food no longer require so much human intervention. When you create an automated system, everything becomes easier, and there is no way to grow plants unsuccessfully. Garden hydroponic systems can help you improve your plants more effectively. If you include solar energy in that, you will do a lot for your environment.
Using eco-toilet paper
We don’t recycle properly because of laziness and a lack of knowledge about what can be recycled and what cannot. Usually, the biggest problem people have with recycling is the amount of time it takes to separate everything and then take it out to a collection centre.
A good example of how not to live sustainably is with buying toilet paper. Many of us purchase regular toilet paper because it is cheap and readily available at most stores, but did you know that it requires at least 17 trees and 90,921 litres of water for a tonne of paper rolls? That’s a lot of unnecessary waste that we put into our landfills.
Regular toilet paper is not a sustainable habit, as the average person needs 100 rolls per year. Customers could use bamboo-based toilet paper that is environmentally friendly. As bamboo grows 39 inches within 24 hours, toilet paper made out of bamboo is a much more sustainable option compared to regular toilet paper.
Turn it off
Did you know that leaving your TV, laptop, and phone chargers plugged in when they’re not in use can be dangerous? Not only is it costing you money, but it could also cause a fire or damage your electricals. To avoid wasting energy (and money), remember to switch off all electrical items when they’re not being used. Not only will this help cut down on costs, but it will also be kind of satisfying!
Utilize natural light
When the sun is out and shining, open your curtains and let it stream through your windows – this will not only make your home feel brighter, but it will mean you don’t need to turn on any lamps or lights! If you have large windows, try and fit them with blackout blinds or curtains so that the room gets completely dark at night – this way you won’t need lights on in the evenings.
Good habits are hard to form, especially if you don’t understand the impact of your actions. Everyone wants to make a difference, but it’s easy for good intentions to slip away without anyone noticing. Learning how to be more eco-friendly is a great way to start making small changes that will have a huge impact.
Author bio:
Alison Pearson is an interior design student. She is a writer and designer, and her ultimate passion is art and architecture. She is also a bibliophile and her favourite book is “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner. Follow her on Twitter.