Breast Augmentation vs. Implants: What Are the Differences?

According to statistics, more women than ever opt for breast enhancement surgery. Often, women believe that implants are the only way to improve their breasts. However, other options might be better depending on every person’s condition.

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Breast augmentation and breast implants are all phrases connected to breast enhancement. Yet, how are they different?

Understanding breast augmentation vs. implants and how they differ are crucial. It will assist you in making the best decision possible. It also helps you choose a technique to address your specific breast concerns.

Do you want to know the difference between the two? Here’s everything you need to know about breast augmentation vs. implants.

Breast Augmentation vs. Implants

Being confident in who you are and how you appear is fundamental to human life. If you’re self-conscious about your appearance, breast augmentation and implants can help.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgical technique. It entails implanting breast implants beneath the breast tissue or chest muscles.

This operation makes the breasts fuller either for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons. Some women have it done after a mastectomy for breast cancer.

For your breast augmentation guide, it may involve an autologous fat transfer. Moreover, it will come from different body parts to your breasts. Depending on your specific goals, it will improve shape, size, or texture concerns.

So, how do you know if this procedure is for you, and why should you continue with your breast augmentation plan?

Breast augmentation is for women who want to grow their breasts if they are small. They’re also for women who aim to restore the form and size of their breasts because of health reasons. It includes after breastfeeding, weight loss, or pregnancy.

What Are Breast Implants?

Breast implants are medical prostheses meant to reconstruct, create, or enhance women’s breasts. Among the most prevalent types of breast implants are saline and silicone implants.

Saline implants are elastomer silicone shells with sterile saline solutions. In simpler words, these implants are bags holding saltwater.

On the flip side, silicone implants are silicone shells with gel inside. Most women prefer this choice since the implant feels like natural breasts.

If you choose to have silicone implants, you will need frequent check-ups. It ensures that the implants are in perfect condition.

Choosing the Right Implant

Choosing the right implant is not as simple as deciding between silicone and saline fill. Your decision depends on many factors.

For one, you must choose the shape of the implants. Do you prefer round or teardrop-shaped implants?

Another factor to consider is the texture of the implants. Some implants are smooth, while the others have texture.

Also, you need to consider the size of the implants. The size of the breast implant may depend on other factors. It includes your body posture, proportion, and skin elasticity.

No matter what size you pick, avoid choosing massive breast implants. These can induce breast ptosis and even shoulder and back problems.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Breast Augmentation

Learn everything there is to know about breast augmentation before having it done. Here are a few key points to note about this cosmetic surgery:

Implants vs. Fat Transfer

Breast augmentation is not only limited to silicone or saline implants.

Since 2016, the number of people adopting fat transfer has increased. For context, the process for fat transfer extracts fat from various body areas. After, they inject it into the breasts.

There are only two cup sizes available for this sort of augmentation. If you’re seeking something more dramatic, implants are the way to go.

Not a Quick-Fix to Sagging Breasts

If your breasts are sagging, increasing their volume can only worsen them. If you want to fix sagging breasts, a breast lift is your best bet.

During this surgery, they’ll reposition your nipples and areolas. They’ll also tighten and remove excess tissues.

Combining augmentation and breast lift can help women who’ve been breastfeeding.

Implants Are Not Permanent

Modern breast implants are long-lasting and safe. Yet, they will still need replacements.

Today’s implants can last up to ten years before needing replacement. Yearly check-ups after obtaining breast implants are ideal. Plus, FDA recommends MRI scans within three years for people with silicone implants.

Incision Placement

Considering the incision placement is crucial. It could affect breastfeeding in the future. If you intend to breastfeed afterward, let your surgeon know ahead of time.

The surgeon will place your incisions either at the axilla or under the breasts. For standard surgeries, they would make them around the areola.

Implant Placement

Think about where you want the pocket implants to go. Sub-muscular and sub-glandular placements are among the alternatives.

They perform the sub-muscular or sub-pectoral approach beneath the muscle. The sub-glandular procedure happens between the pectoral muscle and the mammary gland.

You will be more comfortable breastfeeding if you choose the sub-glandular operation. Plus, the recovery time will be quicker.

Furthermore, the implant does not affect the pectoralis muscle’s function. The breast muscle and tissue will support the implant during submuscular implantation.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

It’s surprising, but breast augmentation is quite simple. In general, the surgery boils down to:

  • Conducting general anesthesia
  • Creating incisions in predetermined areas
  • Putting the implants in your breasts
  • Closing incisions

You can return home after a brief recovery period to complete your healing. The procedure should take between one and two hours. If you want to have a breast lift after, this time frame will extend.

Recovery Period

The recovery period after having breast augmentation surgery does not take long. You’ll be up and ready to work within a week. During the first two days after surgery, sleeping upright can help reduce edema.

Your plastic surgeon will have you stop exercising for two or three weeks. They’ll have you not raise your arms above your head and lift no more than eight pounds.

Know More About Breast Augmentation vs. Implants Today

Now you know the difference between breast augmentation vs. implants. Learn which surgery or combination is best for you by consulting a plastic surgeon. This way, you’ll get a realistic picture of what you can achieve and a treatment plan that tailors to your body.

Rest assured that whatever you choose, you’ll be on your way to looking and feeling your best.

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