Health in Motion: Why Active Lifestyles Begin with the Right Tools

A builder is only as good as their tools.

The motivation is paramount, the goals are essential, and the know-how to make it all happen is crucial. But without the right tools, it’s just a plan.

The adage isn’t exclusive to just construction workers and woodworkers. It’s applicable in so many aspects of all our lives. If we want to make something happen, we have to make it happen. The first step is finding the right tools for the project.

If you’re looking to create a more active lifestyle—whether for health reasons, peace of mind, or a hobby—it is important to invest in the proper equipment before getting started. Here are the five tools you can add to your arsenal as you kick off your active phase.

So much of being active requires being on your feet. Even during times you’re not, such as lifting weights or laying on a mat for some yoga or pilates, the movements require bracing yourself with your feet. Therefore, having the proper footwear is crucial.

Our bodies flow from our feet upwards. Improper footwear can lead to lousy alignment, uneven balance, and unnecessary joint stress. Shoes that don’t support the part of our feet that are worked the most when active can also lead to sores, such as plantar fasciitis. Additionally, tennis shoes and the sort are built to provide comfort and support when you are on your feet and moving around for long periods. This means you aren’t thinking about how much your feet hurt as you workout or run and aren’t looking for an excuse to stop.

There is also the Pavlovian response. If we have specific shoes meant for being active and working out, the simple act of putting them on helps tell our mind it’s time to get moving.

Diet and Program
While a proper diet and program for being active don’t seem like tangible tools, such as a treadmill or weight bands, they are just as important as any other facet. We have all experienced bouts of motivation and bursts of energy that get us excited about becoming active. But then it can wane off just as quickly, leaving us feeling dejected, but not sure how to fix the problem. However, if you decide what areas of your life and body you want to address when getting active, having a program in place can help keep you on track and moving, even on the days you’d rather sit on the couch and stream a reality show.

This doesn’t always mean lining up and paying for a trainer, although that’s a valuable option if you have the means to do so. Finding the right program can be as simple as searching the web for videos that help lead the way, or apps that craft a quick outline of a plan based on a few factors, such as your age and weight. Purchasing something like a smartwatch or fitness tracker can also help. Seeing the numbers at the end of each day, or getting a little congratulations when you reach a milestone serves as built-in motivation.

No matter what type of program you decide on, a proper diet helps set you up for better success. Being active burns more calories. And while that can be the goal if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s still important to give your body the nutrients it will need to make it through a workout and subsequently recover properly.

Weightlifting isn’t just for those looking to bulk up or get significantly stronger. Lifting even small weights can make a huge difference when taking on an active lifestyle. This allows you to sustain more stress, tone up muscles, and lift more bags when carrying in the groceries.

If this is your first time weightlifting, it’s crucial to be careful when beginning. The amount of weight can be more than your body is used to dealing with, especially for extended periods. It is also dangerous if handled correctly.

The key is to have a weight set and bench crafted to support your frame, lead to your goals, and help you advance in your weightlifting journey, whether you are a novice or a long-term lifter.

Cardio Equipment
Life is all about balance, from our work-life balance to our meals and how we spend our free time. This is just as true in the active part of our lifestyle. Weightlifting tones the muscle—or builds it, depending on what you’re hoping to achieve—and cardio helps keep things lean enough to balance that strength.

Cardio is also the best way to keep the heart healthy, and it has been proven to affect mental health positively.

Theoretically, the only equipment you truly need for cardio is a good pair of shoes, which we covered above. But life doesn’t always deliver perfect days for running outside. As much as possible, stock your home with cardio equipment as you work towards an active lifestyle, such as a treadmill or a stationary bike. If you’re going to the gym, make sure the places you are considering have enough of these machines to provide for all of their clients, such as yourself.

Recovery Equipment
All of these other tools will help you become more active, but the right recovery equipment will help you stay active. Without it, your body will start screaming at you in the middle of the night for putting it through too much during the day. Foam rollers, massage sticks, and stimulation kits are just a few options for recovery tools to help your body and muscles bounce back after being active.

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