Invisalign London for bite disorders and healthier teeth and gums

Invisalign London is a highly effective, modern method of teeth straightening preferred by patients across the world to traditional orthodontic treatment because of the use of clear aligners as an alternative to metal brackets and wires. First introduced to the general public in 1999, Invisalign quickly became the most popular form of discreet teeth straightening. It has been used by more than 14 million patients and continues to be popular amongst dentists and patients alike. Celebrities use Invisalign to straighten their teeth, and it can be used by patients of all ages with no upper age limit. If you are thinking of straightening your teeth but are worried by the ancient stigma associated with metal braces, speak to your dentist about Invisalign. The stigma associated with braces has now died out since more and more adult patients than ever before are straightening their teeth; however, many people are still embarrassed or self-conscious and do not want to draw further attention to their mouths. In this case, discreet treatment options, such as Invisalign, can be a great solution.

Improving your dental health with Invisalign

Although most people straighten their teeth to improve the appearance of their smiles, teeth straightening can improve your dental health and make your teeth last longer than if you have crooked teeth. Straight teeth can make it easier to maintain a clean mouth. You can brush your teeth more effectively and floss between properly so that any lingering food particles and bacteria are removed. If your teeth remain crooked, then bacteria and food particles can get stuck between them, creating a sticky layer over the surface of your teeth known as plaque, which hardens to become tartar and results in the development of tooth decay and gum disease. By straightening your teeth, you reduce your susceptibility to tooth decay and gum disease and enjoy healthier teeth and gums for the rest of your life.

Treating bite disorders with Invisalign 

Bite disorders can also be treated with Invisalign. Bite disorders occur when your teeth and jaw do not align properly; this affects the appearance of your mouth, jaw and face in general. It also affects the health of your teeth. Bite disorders mean that your teeth are more likely to develop tooth decay and gum disease. However, bite disorders also have other implications; for example, they can lead to the development of chronic conditions such as TMJ disorders, which can be painful and affect your daily life, causing headaches and pain in your jaw and other parts of your mouth. It can affect your ability to pronounce words and speak correctly, and biting and chewing food can become a challenge. Speak to your dentist and find out how Invisalign can improve the alignment of your teeth and jaw. Bite disorders that can be treated effectively by Invisalign include underbites, overbites and crossbites. For other types of malocclusions, you may require a combined treatment plan for better results.

Managing sleep apnoea with Invisalign

Another consequence of bite disorders is that they can sometimes make proper breathing difficult because a narrow jaw and severely crooked teeth often result in a narrow airway; this can cause breathing disorders, including the risk of developing sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea is when your breathing stops and starts during your sleep preventing your body from getting enough air; this can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as gasping for air in the middle of your sleep, loud snoring, a dry mouth, headaches, tiredness and lethargy. Disturbed sleep can also affect you the next day; you may feel like sleeping during the day or sleeping more often (hypersomnia). Many patients suffer from insomnia because they worry they will stop breathing at night. Straightening your teeth with Invisalign may be able to reduce the symptoms associated with sleep apnoea, and this can help improve your quality of life.

To learn more about the benefits of Invisalign and the health conditions you can manage by straightening your teeth, book an appointment with your dentist to help you decide whether or not Invisalign is suitable for you. If you are a good candidate, they will design a set of aligners that can be manufactured within as little as two to four weeks so that you can begin straightening your teeth.

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