Replacing missing teeth with your dentist

Losing a tooth can have a huge negative impact on your dental health, but also your overall health and wellbeing. Tooth loss occurs when there is irreversible damage to the teeth. Irreversible damage can occur as a result of untreated tooth decay, periodontal disease and neglect. It is important that you maintain excellent dental hygiene and that you visit your dentist Soho on a regular basis to prevent irreversible damage to your teeth. If you visit your dentist at least once every six months then any signs of tooth decay or gum disease can be detected and treated. When your teeth are irreversibly damaged then they can become loose and fall out of their own accord or you may have to undergo a tooth extraction. Before this you may experience a range of complicated and painful symptoms and this can have an impact on your daily life.

Unfortunately from time to time tooth loss can not be avoided. This is if you find yourself in an accident or if you sustain an injury to your mouth. Some medical conditions can result in missing teeth, for example mouth cancer and certain medication can also affect your dental health. If you have lost a tooth either as a result of irreversible damage or in an accident or due to an illness, then you need to speak to your dentist and find out about replacing your missing teeth as soon as possible.

Dental implants

One of the most popular and effective methods of replacing missing teeth is with dental implants. Dental implants have been used for the last 60 years as an alternative to bridges and dentures. Bridges are a highly effective method of replacing missing teeth, however, they involve invasive preparation of the adjacent teeth which can then have a negative impact on your dental health in the future. Removable dentures are also effective at replacing missing teeth, but are better suited for elderly patients who do not want to undergo extensive treatment and simply want to restore some of the appearance and the function of their teeth. If you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth early on in life then dental implants are the most effective solution for you. Dental implants are a permanent replacement for missing teeth. They are small medical grade titanium screws that become a permanent fixture in your mouth and with the right dental hygiene and care can last for the rest of your life. 

Dental implant surgery

To begin with your dentist will need to make sure that there is no further damage to your remaining teeth. If so this will need to be treated or if there is irreversible damage then further teeth will need to be extracted. When you are ready for the surgery you will be given a local anaesthetic, as well as any necessary sedative to calm your nerves or ease the process for you. A small incision is made into the gum where the implant will be placed and a small hole is drilled into the bone socket of the missing tooth. The implant is inserted directly into the hole and a healing cap is placed on the implant before the gum is stitched back into place. Dental implants work by a natural healing process known as osseointegration. Osseointegration is caused when titanium comes into contact with the bone tissue. Osteoblasts or bone forming cells form around the implant so that it becomes locked into place. This process takes approximately four to six months. During this time the dentist will carry out regular observations to make sure that the implant is healing correctly. The healing process can be affected by certain medical conditions, which is why dental implants are not suitable for everyone, but your dentist will make sure of this at the beginning. Once the implant has healed completely then it can be replaced with a custom-made crown or a set of partial dentures or complete dentures depending on how many teeth you are replacing.

Benefits of replacing missing teeth

There are many advantages to replacing missing teeth as soon as possible. Firstly, you can prevent gum recession and bone decay. Gum recession and bone decay can be harmful for your remaining teeth. By replacing your missing teeth you can also prevent misalignment issues of the remaining teeth which try to fill the gap left by the lost teeth. You can also restore the function and the appearance of your mouth which will have been affected by missing teeth. Speak to your dentist today and find out more about tooth replacement and prevent further missing teeth and complications in the future. 

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